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Propelling City Growth
Collaboration is key to Australia's infrastructure-led recovery
The Federal Government is unquestionably in a tough position when it comes to infrastructure investment. At stake: a once-in-a-generation-sized investment of A$183.8 billion (9.5% of GDP)* that must deliver jobs and economic growth across the country, against a backdrop of uncertainty.
*International Monetary Fund, Policy Responses to COVID-19
Australia needs to refocus its infrastructure pipeline
Allens' 2020 Infrastructure Leaders Survey reveals increasing concern about the future of the industry:

are more concerned about the risks facing the sector than they were five years ago, an increase from 2019 of

are concerned about the viability of the industry as a whole, an increase from 2019 of

The uncertainty resulting from COVID-19 is challenging the assumptions upon which the current pipeline is based. Respondents picked these trends as the single-most important factors influencing future development priorities:

People working from home more frequently

Social pressure to change towards a greener energy mix

Decreasing concentration of offices in the CBD
These projects were seen to have the greatest benefit to society and the economy, but are the most under-represented in the pipeline**:

Social Infrastructure

Social and Affordable Housing

Renewable Energy

Community Infrastructure
**The remaining 7% is made up of other responses from our survey participants
What industry and government should consider to refocus the pipeline and create better outcomes for our future:

Prioritise projects that are 'shovel ready' and consistent with future needs

Create a vision that provides greater opportunities to more Australians

Plan in the context of capacity constraints in the system (labour, skills)

Reassess how the pipeline supports the longer-term vision and public expectations

Bring all stakeholders together to explore:
- The impact of longer but fewer commutes on the mix, direction and timing of travel
- Decarbonising the economy, including the network investments and stability required to deliver environmental benefits
- Improving cost-of-living pressures
- Creating regional jobs
- Improving high value manufacturing competitiveness
- Balancing the pipeline to factor in broader social and community benefits – remembering housing needs grow more quickly than the need for train carriages
Propelling City Growth
Solutions to help Australia close its infrastructure gap
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